Paramahansa Yogananda on the Help of a True Guru

March 21, 2024

An introduction:

Would you like to know two universally true aspects of the spiritual path?

  1. When you feel deeply that it is possible for you to reach a place in life of complete joy and fulfilment, you are right.
  2. And you can’t get there alone — we all need an example, a wise guide on the path, a perspective more far-reaching than our own.

Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi opens with this sentence: “The characteristic features of Indian culture have long been a search for ultimate verities and the concomitant disciple-guru relationship.”

From its first words — and throughout its entirety Paramahansaji’s Autobiography reveals the supreme benefit that comes from being guided by one who is fully established in the blissful awareness we all are seeking.

Since it was first published, that spiritual classic increasingly has been introducing seekers to the timeless meaning and importance of a true guru — and the perennial wonders of yoga in store for anyone who applies wholeheartedly the teachings of such a one.

Every March, we hold commemorative meditations to honour Paramahansaji and his beloved guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar (in honour of the mahasamadhi anniversaries of these two great souls). And in connection with those special events, below is inspiration from Paramahansaji on how the Divine works through an enlightened teacher — to bring illumination into the world and transform lives.

From the talks and writings of Paramahansa Yogananda:

A true guru is one who knows God…and therefore is able to lead others on the path to their own liberation and ascension.

The guru helps you to uncover the soul within and to guide its upward climb to everlasting freedom in Spirit.

To understand the secular knowledge available in a school, you have to learn from a teacher who knows it. So also to understand spiritual truths it is necessary to have a spiritual teacher, or guru, one who knows God. Even if you cannot be in his physical presence, or even if he is no longer incarnate on earth, you must follow the teaching of such a teacher if you would find God.

An understanding of the divine law of the guru-disciple relationship is necessary. We learn this in India. It is very simple, but very important: you have to find the guru, first; then real spiritual progress begins.

When you are moving blindly through the valley of life, stumbling in darkness, you need the help of someone who has eyes. You need a guru. To follow one who is enlightened is the only way out of the great muddle that has been created in the world. I never found true happiness and freedom until I met my Guru, he who was spiritually interested in me and who had the wisdom to guide me.

I sought all over India to find a true master. I searched in books; I journeyed from temple to temple, from one holy place to another; but my doubts followed me everywhere. But when I found that one who had realization — my guru, Sri Yukteswarji — and saw that spirit divine in his eyes, all doubt went away. Through his blessing my whole life changed. That is why I stress to you the importance of following a true guru and his teachings.

The true guru has no desire to place himself in the hearts of others, but rather to awaken in their consciousness the consciousness of God. 

My Guru showed me how to use the chisel of wisdom to make myself into a fitting temple to receive God’s presence. All persons can do the same, if they follow the precepts of divinely illumined teachers.

On the YSS website you can absorb more wisdom from Paramahansa Yogananda on this essential aspect of the spiritual path by reading “The Role of a Guru in One’s Spiritual Search.” In these excerpts from his works, Paramahansaji explains the very elevated and very personal relationship that exists between a seeker and his or her guru.

We invite you to also visit another page on the YSS blog to watch several short videos, from current and past presidents of YSS/SRF, about the nature of a true guru and how to attune our consciousness with such a one, who knows the Divine and can lead the seeker to his or her own Self-realization.

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