“Understanding What the Guru Is and How to Attune Ourselves With the Guru”

March 6, 2024

Below you will find several short videos from presidents of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship and two beloved SRF sannyasis discussing the nature of a true guru and sharing insights into what becomes possible in the life of a seeker when he or she embraces and regularly practises the teachings of a true master of yoga.

Speaking about the science of yoga and what YSS/SRF’s guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, brings into the life of a follower of this path, second YSS/SRF President Sri Sri Rajarsi Janakananda once said:

“Yoga is the science by which one unites his soul with Spirit. A yogi is one who employs definite meditation techniques in order to realize his true nature of soul, united forever with the Absolute Spirit, or God. Without such knowledge of the soul, we are not capable of understanding the laws under which God has created us.

“In the knowledge and wisdom that Paramahansa Yogananda brings to us we are able to attain a true consciousness of the meaning of our own life. We are able to realize, consciously feel, and know unshakeably that our soul is one with Spirit. What greater blessing, what greater assurance could one have?”

“The Guru-Disciple Relationship Has the Power to Remould Your Life” by Swami Chidananda Giri, current president and spiritual head of YSS/SRF

The power inherent in embracing the teachings of a true guru can become a transformative force for the improvement of body, mind, and soul — making the greatest use of what science describes as neuroplasticity. An excerpt from a commemorative programme honouring the birth anniversary of Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.

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“Guided Meditation on Paramahansa Yogananda’s Chant ‘In the Temple of Silence’” by Swami Chidananda Giri

A guided experience of visualizing and personalizing one of Paramahansaji’s chants in order to tune in with the guru and through the guru come in direct contact with Spirit as Sat-Chit-Ananda (ever-existing, ever-conscious, ever-new Bliss).

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“A True Guru Guides Us From Experience” by Sri Daya Mata, third president of YSS/SRF

To achieve anything in life we need to learn from someone who has achieved that worthy goal. A true guru is one who has mastered himself and the science of inner communion with the Divine, and has been appointed to lead others to that same fulfilment.

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“The Guru Stirs in Us a Divine Longing” by Sri Mrinalini Mata, fourth president of YSS/SRF

It is possible to build an enduring connection with an enlightened guru. Paramahansa Yogananda set high standards but also constantly guided and elevated those around him — as he does to this day through his teachings and his society as an extension of himself.

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“The Guru Is Not Just a Teacher” by Swami Anandamoy Giri

The sublime qualities of a true guru, who is not just a teacher but must possess the ability to fulfil the momentous task of guiding a devotee to his or her complete communion with the Divine.


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“The Guru Is Not Limited by the Material World” by Swami Bhaktananda Giri

A guru sent by the Divine into the world is an embodiment of divinity playing a specific role and bringing teachings perfectly suited for that time. That enlightened soul can assist true seekers even after leaving the physical form.

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Further Exploration:

You may also enjoy these full length talks on this crucial aspect of the spiritual path, which have been released as either part of YSS weekly online inspirational talks series or during recent SRF World Convocations.

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