Sadhana Sangams 2024

(Ranchi, Noida, Dakshineswar, Igatpuri, and Chennai)

Registration for all the events is now open!

About the Event

Day by day as you learn to meditate, a new awakening will come; a new, living relationship with God will stir within you.

— Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

We welcome all YSS/SRF devotees to join us for the Sadhana Sangams that will be held from January to December, 2024. These Sangams will be held simultaneously at all or some of these venues: YSS Ranchi ashram; YSS Noida ashram; YSS Dakshineswar ashram; Paramahansa Yogananda Sadhanalaya, Igatpuri; and Yogoda Satsanga Chennai Retreat. A devotee may choose to attend any Sangam, at a time and location that is convenient for him. However, since accommodation is limited, we are restricting the participation in these Sangams to one Sadhana Sangam for each devotee so that the maximum number of devotees can take part in these events.

Similar to the annual Sharad Sangams that were conducted in the past, these programmes provide YSS devotees with an opportunity to rejuvenate themselves spiritually, gain a deeper understanding of Gurudeva’s teachings, and improve their practice of the meditation techniques. The difference is that in the Sadhana Sangams, devotees will be able to do all this in a more intimate and comfortable setting. As the number of participants at each venue will be limited depending on the facilities available, each devotee can experience a more personalized and profound spiritual journey, without the inconveniences experienced during the Sharad Sangams such as long queues, overcrowding, and inadequate space. Overall, the Sadhana Sangams promise to be an unforgettable spiritual experience for all who participate.

The registration process for YSS and SRF devotees is now open and is on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage you to take advantage of this unique opportunity to not only rekindle your spiritual enthusiasm but also to experience the joy and blessings that come from meditating with and being in the company of other earnest seekers.

Please note:

  • Only YSS/SRF devotees may attend the Sangam.
  • Children below 12 years of age are not permitted.
  • Though SRF devotees are welcome to participate in these Sangams, they will have to arrange their own accommodation in nearby hotels. A list of such hotels is available here.
  • As the programme schedule will be hectic, devotees with fragile health or special needs are advised not to apply.
Ranchi Ashram Main Building
Chennai Retreat

Sadhana Sangams Calendar

Sadhana Sangams will be conducted from January to December, in 2024. Languages of technique classes are mentioned for each event in the table below; however, spiritual discourses could be either in English, Hindi, Bengali, or Tamil. Please see the calendar below. 

Language of Technique Classes





Chennai Retreat

January 25-28


No Sangam

No Sangam

No Sangam

No Sangam

February 15-18


(Kriya Yoga Diksha)


(Kriya Yoga Diksha)

No Sangam

No Sangam


March 14-17


(Kriya Yoga Diksha)





April 4-7


(Kriya Yoga Diksha)

No Sangam

No Sangam

No Sangam


(Kriya Yoga Diksha)

September 12-15


No Sangam


(Kriya Yoga Diksha)

No Sangam


October 17-20



(Kriya Yoga Diksha)

No Sangam

No Sangam


November 14-17


(Kriya Yoga Diksha)



No Sangam

Check later

December 5-8


(Kriya Yoga Diksha)

No Sangam

No Sangam


Check later

* * * Please note:

  • This event is open only for those devotees:
    • who are Kriyabans and have not yet received formal Kriya Yoga initiation,
    • Lessons students who are eligible and interested in taking Kriya Yoga initiation

The tentative programme schedule is as shown below:


07:00 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.

Energization Exercises and meditation

09:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Opening satsanga

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Review of Hong-Sau technique

12:30 p.m. to 01:30 p.m.


02:00 p.m. to 03:30 p.m.

Review of Energization Exercises

05:30 p.m. to 09:00 p.m.

Energization Exercises and meditation


07:00 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.

Energization Exercises and meditation

09:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Review of Aum Technique

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Spiritual discourse

12:30 p.m. to 02:30 p.m.


03:00 p.m. to 04:00 p.m.

Spiritual discourse

05:30 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.

Energization Exercises and meditation with kirtan


07:00 a.m. to 08:30 a.m.

Energization Exercises and meditation

10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Kriya Yoga review and check-up & Satsanga for Non-Kriyabans

12:30 p.m. to 02:30 p.m.


03:00 p.m. to 04:00 p.m.

Spiritual discourse

05:30 p.m. to 07:00 p.m.

Energization Exercises and meditation

08:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m.

Video show

Please note: For those programmes which include Kriya Yoga Diksha, please note the following change in the Saturday schedule:

08:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Kriya Yoga Diksha

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Satsanga for Non-Kriyabans

02:00 p.m. to 03:30 p.m.

Kriya Yoga review and check-up

05:30 p.m. to 07:00 p.m.

Energization Exercises and meditation

08:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m.

Video show


(Timings may vary at each location)

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Closing satsanga and prasad

04:00 p.m. to 07:30 p.m.

Energization Exercises and meditation

Meditation Technique Classes and Discourses:

  • The YSS meditation techniques — the Energization Exercises, Hong-Sau Technique, and Aum Technique — will be explained and demonstrated. These classes will be conducted in different languages, as indicated in the Sadhana Sangam calendar shared above.
  • Discourses on Gurudeva’s how-to-live principles will also be a part of the schedule. These discourses could be conducted in English, Hindi, Bengali, or Tamil.
  • One satsanga would be live-streamed across the locations.


  • The programme at each location will begin in the morning of Thursday and end in the afternoon of Sunday.
  • All devotees will have the option to stay for four additional days – they may arrive two days prior to the event (by Tuesday morning), and stay for two extra days after the programme closes (the following Tuesday night).
  • In spending up to eight continuous days in Guruji’s Ashram/Retreat centre, devotees will receive ample time for rest, relaxation, and spiritual rejuvenation. You may plan your arrival and departure accordingly.


  • Shared/dormitory-style accommodation will be provided to ladies and gents separately. Family members may please plan and pack accordingly.
  • Devotees with special needs for accommodation or diet may please make their own arrangements. A list of nearby hotels is given below.

First-come, First-served Basis:

  • Due to the limited accommodation facilities available at all five locations, registrations will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Please note that if your registration is confirmed but you are not able to attend, the Registration fee will neither be refunded nor transferred to another person.

Remittances: The Registration Fee is ₹ 2000 per person. This fee is inclusive of meal charges. If you are finding it difficult to pay the Registration Fee, please contact us.

Registration Information

Registration for all the events is now open!

Detailed information regarding the registration process is as follows:

Online Registration through Devotee Portal:

For quicker and easier registration, please register online at

Registration by Contacting Helpdesk:

Please call (0651 6655 555) or email Ranchi ashram Helpdesk and provide the following details:

  • Your full name
  • Age
  • Address
  • Email, and Telephone number
  • YSS Lessons Reg. number (or SRF Membership Number)
  • Dates of your proposed arrival and departure.

You may remit the amount against the payment link that will be sent to your mobile or email address.

Registration for SRF devotees:

  • We request interested SRF devotees to contact YSS Helpdesk by email and provide all their details as mentioned above.
  • While SRF devotees are most welcome to participate in the function, and may have meals at the venue, they are requested to make their own accommodation arrangements in any of the nearby hotels.

Please note:

  • The registration for a particular venue may close earlier if the requests for registration reach the maximum limit.
  • On successful registration, you will receive a confirmation through either email or SMS. If you don’t receive such a notification, please contact YSS Ranchi helpdesk by call (0651 6655 555) or email (
  • Only YSS/SRF devotees may attend the Sangam.
  • Children below 12 years of age are not permitted.
Eligibility for Receiving Kriya Yoga

All Kriyabans attending these Sangams will have the opportunity to attend the Kriya Yoga Diksha ceremony along with the new devotees receiving Kriya Yoga Diksha.

Eligibility for Receiving Kriya Yoga

  • Eligibility for receiving the Kriya Yoga diksha is dependent upon submission of satisfactory answers to the questionnaire enclosed with the YSS Lessons.
  • As you will note in the questionnaire, to be eligible for receiving Kriya Yoga, the devotee must have been regularly practising the first three basic Yogoda techniques for several months.
  • You must also submit the signed Kriya Yoga Pledge of devotion and loyalty to the YSS line of Gurus and the Yogoda Satsanga path.

Please note:

  • If you wish to apply for Kriya Yoga, and have not yet sent your answers to the questionnaire, they may be submitted at the location where you would be attending the programmes, to be checked by the sannyasis.
  • If you have already sent these to Ranchi and received approval for Kriya Yoga in writing, please take that letter of approval with you for registering at the location.


Participation in the Kriya Yoga Diksha Ceremony:

  • All who wish to receive Kriya Yoga diksha at the ceremony, including those who have received the Kriya Yoga Lessons but have not participated in a ceremony; and also, those Kriyabans who have received formal diksha but wish to attend the ceremony will need to register at the concerned location at least a day in advance, and bring the required admittance card to the ceremony.
  • Please bring and show your Kriyaban Identification Card when registering yourself for Kriya Yoga diksha and also when attending the review.

As always, devotee-volunteers will be needed to serve in different areas, such as the registration desk, accommodation, audio-visuals, dining, sanitation, ushering, and other departments. In some of these areas, a few volunteers will be required one or two days before the function starts. If you would like to volunteer, please indicate in the Registration Form accordingly.

Your Donations are Needed

We are requesting contributions to cover various expenses incurred in organizing these functions. The Registration Fee is subsidized, so that even devotees with limited means can participate. We are grateful to those who are able to make larger contributions, allowing us to offer this subsidy and thereby extend Gurudeva’s hospitality to all sincere seekers.

Contact Details for Registration and Enquiries

Yogoda Satsanga Sakha Math — Ranchi
Paramahansa Yogananda Path
Ranchi 834 001

Phone: (0651) 6655 555 (Mon-Sat, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

New Visitor

You may explore the following links to know more about Paramahansa Yogananda and his teachings.

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