Sangam With Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri,
YSS/SRF President and Spiritual Head
(YSS Sangam 2023)

Sunday, February 12 – Thursday, February 16, 2023

(Kriya Yoga diksha on February 15, 2023)

Sangam with YSS/SRF President Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri

Event Venue

Kanha Shanti Vanam
World Headquarters of Heartfulness
13-110, Kanha Village, Nandigama Mandal,
Ranga Reddy District
Telangana – 509325

Map Location


Yogoda Satsanga Sakha Math — Ranchi
Paramahansa Yogananda Path
Ranchi 834001


(0651) 6655 555
(Mon-Sat, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)


Greater than any other accomplishment is to know your Creator. Learn to find God in the stars, in the earth, and in each throb of your feelings. He is hidden right within our hearts — the most neglected Reality. If you follow the path of Yogoda Satsanga steadfastly, and meditate regularly, you will see Him in the golden robe of light spread through eternity.

— Paramahansa Yogananda

About the Event

Our revered President Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri visited India during January – February 2023. Swami Chidanandaji presided over a special five-day sangam at Hyderabad from February 12 – 16.

The following events were live-streamed during the Sangam:

  • Inspirational talks given by Swami Chidanandaji and other sannyasis (which are given in English)
  • Special three-hour long meditation led by Swami Chidanandaji
  • The daily morning and evening meditations

Please find the schedule of the entire programme below.

Schedule of Events

Time is shown in your local time zone.

All live-streamed inspirational talks will remain available for later viewing.

Please click on the toggle button below to switch between in-person and live-stream events..

Day 1

7:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included chanting, and a period of silent meditation and concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (IST)

Inaugural Programme with YSS/SRF President
Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri

The inaugural session of the Sangam began with an inspirational talk by Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri, president and spiritual head of YSS/SRF. Swamiji welcomed devotees in India and around the world to the five-day programme of spiritual renewal and upliftment and shared inspiration on how to navigate through life’s challenges and reach our highest potential.

This event was live-streamed.

2:00 p.m. to 2:25 p.m. (IST)

Translation of YSS/SRF President’s Inaugural talk
(Available in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu)

During this session, YSS sannyasis shared the translations of the inaugural talk given by Swami Chidanandaji in three languages – Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu – for the Sangam participants.

This event was not live-streamed.

2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (IST)

Review of Energization Exercises
(in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu)

This review class included step-by-step instructions in one of the essential techniques of the Kriya Yoga path as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda: the Energization Exercises.

Devotees learnt to revitalize the body and mind with cosmic energy at will, eliminate tension, and purify and strengthen the body to more easily direct the energy inward during meditation to reach higher states of consciousness.

This event was conducted in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu and was not live-streamed.

5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation session started with an opening prayer, and included periods of chanting and silent meditation. Periods of silent meditation varied but were usually around 45 minutes long. The meditation concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

Day 2

7:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation session started with an opening prayer, and included chanting, and a period of silent meditation and concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (IST)

Review of Hong-Sau Technique
(in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu)

This ancient and powerful technique of Hong-Sau helps to develop the mind’s latent powers of concentration. Through regular practice one learns to withdraw thought and energy from outward distractions so that they may be focused on any goal to be achieved or problem to be solved. Or one may direct the concentrated attention that results from successful practice toward realizing the Divine Consciousness within.

This event was conducted in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu and was not live-streamed.

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (IST)

Inspirational Talk on “The Healing Power of Forgiveness”
(in English and Hindi)

“One should forgive, under any injury. It hath been said that the continuation of the species is due to man’s being forgiving. Forgiveness is the might of the mighty.”

With these words, the Mahabharata emphasizes how supremely vital it is to forgive our wrongdoers. The person who forgives experiences a cleansing and refreshing freedom. This talk emphasizes how practising the divine quality of forgiveness is more beneficial for the one who forgives than the one forgiven, while opening the doors to inner peace and tranquility.

Our sannyasis gave discourses on this topic, simultaneously in English and Hindi.

The English discourse by Swami Smaranananda Giri was live-streamed.

2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (IST)

Inspirational Talk on “Being a Prince of Peace in Inner and Outer Lives”
(in English and Hindi)

Paramahansaji says: “To be calmly active and actively calm — a Prince of Peace sitting on the throne of poise, directing the kingdom of activity — is to be spiritually healthy.” This talk sheds light on how we can cultivate peace, and remain ensconced in it, by meditating deeply and holding on to the after-effects while faithfully performing our duties. Also, by making a conscious mental effort to be in tune with the divine at all times, and by sending out thoughts of love, goodwill, and harmony, we can fortify our inner sanctuary of peace.

Our sannyasis gave discourses on this topic both in English and Hindi.

The English discourse by Swami Suddhananda Giri was live-streamed.

4:40 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Energization Exercises
Special Long Meditation With Swami Chidananda Giri

Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri, president and spiritual head of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship led a special three-hour meditation during this Sangam. Swami Chidanandaji guided YSS/SRF devotees and friends in India and around the world in an experience of the peace and joy of meditation that are at the heart of Paramahansa Yoganandaji’s teachings.

The meditation was preceded by the practice of Energization Exercises.

This event was live-streamed.

Day 3

7:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included chanting, and a period of silent meditation and concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (IST)

Review of Aum Technique
(in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu)

Once the student has learned, through the practice of the Hong-Sau Technique, to relax the body and focus the mind, this advanced Aum Technique of Meditation expands the awareness beyond the limitations of body and mind to the joyous realization of one’s infinite potential.

The review class included step-by-step instructions in one of the essential techniques of the Kriya Yoga path as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda.

This event was conducted in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu and was not live-streamed.

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (IST)

Inspirational Talk on “God Is as Close to You as Your Thought Allows Him to Be”
(in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu)

Daya Mataji says: “Remember that God is as close to you as your thought allows Him to be. He is omnipresent. If at this moment you accept that He is with you, just behind your closed eyes, you will feel His nearness.” When you have that faith, that God is just a thought away, and is ever lovingly attentive to us, how much more frequently would we turn to Him and rejoice in His company?

Our sannyasis gave discourses on this topic in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.

The English discourse by Swami Shraddhananda Giri was live-streamed.

2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (IST)

Inspirational Talk on “Tapping into the Inner Source of Strength and Wisdom through Meditation”
(in English and Hindi)

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the stress and pressures of everyday life and become distracted in our divine pursuit by the expectations placed upon us by others and society. But we already have within us the all-solacing peace, wisdom, and intoxicating happiness. All one needs to do to tap into this hidden wellspring is to cultivate a daily meditation practice following the scientific and universal path of yoga taught by Paramahansa Yogananda.

Our sannyasis gave discourses on this topic in English and Hindi.

The English discourse by Swami Kamalananda Giri was live-streamed.

5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included periods of chanting and silent meditation. Periods of silent meditation varied but were usually around 45 minutes long. The meditation concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

Day 4

8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (IST)

Kriya Yoga Diksha
(in English and in Hindi)

Those YSS and SRF devotees who are Kriyabans, and those who were found to be eligible to receive Kriya Yoga Diksha, were allowed to attend the Kriya Yoga Diksha ceremony. All those Kriyabans who wished to attend the ceremony, were requested to collect their admittance cards from the Kriya Registration counter.

It was conducted simultaneously in English, and in Hindi, at multiple halls in the venue.

This event was not live-streamed.

9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (IST)

Meditation and Satsanga for Non-Kriyabans
(in English)

A YSS sannyasi led a period of meditation and gave a satsanga drawing on the “how-to-live” teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.

This event was not live-streamed.

2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (IST)

Kriya Yoga Review Class
(in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu)

All YSS and SRF Kriyaban devotees were permitted to attend the Kriya review class. This class was conducted simultaneously in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.

This event was not live-streamed.

2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (IST)

Satsanga for Non-Kriyabans
(in Hindi)

A YSS sannyasi gave an inspirational satsanga drawing on the “how-to-live” teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.

This event was not live-streamed.

5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation with Kirtan

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included periods of devotional kirtan and silent meditation. Periods of silent meditation varied but were usually around 45 minutes long. The meditation concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

Day 5

7:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation session started with an opening prayer, and included chanting, and a period of silent meditation and concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (IST)

Closing Programme With an Inspirational Talk by
YSS/SRF President Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri

After a five-day immersion in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, all those who had joined together for this special programme looked forward to holding on to that tangible feeling of Divine Presence — blessings that are the hallmark of such a Sangam. In the closing talk, Swami Chidanandaji shared inspiration on how to carry the Sangam home and how to follow the sadhana given by Paramahansaji to live a truly balanced life and experience an intimate relationship with the Divine.

Swamiji’s talk was preceded by a period of devotional chanting.

This event was live-streamed.

2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (IST)

Translation of YSS/SRF President’s Closing Talk
(in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu)

The translations of the inspirational talk given by Swami Chidanandaji during the closing programme were shared by YSS sannyasis in three languages – Hindi, Tamil and Telugu – for the Sangam participants.

This event was not live-streamed.

5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation session started with an opening prayer, and included periods of chanting and silent meditation. Periods of silent meditation varied but were usually around 45 minutes long. The meditation concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

Day 1

7:05 a.m. to 8:20 a.m (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included chanting, and a period of silent meditation and concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (IST)

Inaugural Programme with YSS/SRF President
Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri

The inaugural session of the Sangam began with an inspirational talk by Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri, president and spiritual head of YSS/SRF. Swamiji welcomed devotees in India and around the world to the five-day programme of spiritual renewal and upliftment and shared inspiration on how to navigate through life’s challenges and reach our highest potential.

This event was live-streamed.

5:35 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included periods of chanting and silent meditation. Periods of silent meditation varied but were usually around 45 minutes long. The meditation concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

Day 2

7:05 a.m. to 8:20 a.m (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included chanting, and a period of silent meditation and concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (IST)

Inspirational Talk on “The Healing Power of Forgiveness”
(in English and Hindi)

“One should forgive, under any injury. It hath been said that the continuation of the species is due to man’s being forgiving. Forgiveness is the might of the mighty.”

With these words, the Mahabharata emphasizes how supremely vital it is to forgive our wrongdoers. The person who forgives experiences a cleansing and refreshing freedom. This talk emphasizes how practising the divine quality of forgiveness is more beneficial for the one who forgives than the one forgiven, while opening the doors to inner peace and tranquility.

Our sannyasis gave discourses on this topic, simultaneously in English and Hindi.

The English discourse by Swami Smaranananda Giri was live-streamed.

2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (IST)

Inspirational Talk on “Being a Prince of Peace in Inner and Outer Lives”
(in English and Hindi)

Paramahansaji says: “To be calmly active and actively calm — a Prince of Peace sitting on the throne of poise, directing the kingdom of activity — is to be spiritually healthy.” This talk sheds light on how we can cultivate peace, and remain ensconced in it, by meditating deeply and holding on to the after-effects while faithfully performing our duties. Also, by making a conscious mental effort to be in tune with the divine at all times, and by sending out thoughts of love, goodwill, and harmony, we can fortify our inner sanctuary of peace.

Our sannyasis gave discourses on this topic both in English and Hindi.

The English discourse by Swami Suddhananda Giri was live-streamed.

4:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (IST)

Energization Exercises
Special Long Meditation With Swami Chidananda Giri

Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri, president and spiritual head of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India/Self-Realization Fellowship led a special three-hour meditation during this Sangam. Swami Chidanandaji guided YSS/SRF devotees and friends in India and around the world in an experience of the peace and joy of meditation that are at the heart of Paramahansa Yoganandaji’s teachings.

The meditation was preceded by the practice of Energization Exercises.

This event was live-streamed.

Day 3

7:05 a.m. to 8:20 a.m (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included chanting, and a period of silent meditation and concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (IST)

Inspirational Talk on “God Is as Close to You as Your Thought Allows Him to Be”
(in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu)

Daya Mataji says: “Remember that God is as close to you as your thought allows Him to be. He is omnipresent. If at this moment you accept that He is with you, just behind your closed eyes, you will feel His nearness.” When you have that faith, that God is just a thought away, and is ever lovingly attentive to us, how much more frequently would we turn to Him and rejoice in His company?

Our sannyasis gave discourses on this topic in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.

The English discourse by Swami Shraddhananda Giri was live-streamed.

2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (IST)

Inspirational Talk on “Tapping into the Inner Source of Strength and Wisdom through Meditation”
(in English and Hindi)

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the stress and pressures of everyday life and become distracted in our divine pursuit by the expectations placed upon us by others and society. But we already have within us the all-solacing peace, wisdom, and intoxicating happiness. All one needs to do to tap into this hidden wellspring is to cultivate a daily meditation practice following the scientific and universal path of yoga taught by Paramahansa Yogananda.

Our sannyasis gave discourses on this topic in English and Hindi.

The English discourse by Swami Kamalananda Giri was live-streamed.

5:35 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included periods of chanting and silent meditation. Periods of silent meditation varied but were usually around 45 minutes long. The meditation concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

Day 4

5:35 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation With Kirtan

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included periods of devotional kirtan and silent meditation. Periods of silent meditation varied but were usually around 45 minutes long. The meditation concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

Day 5

7:05 a.m. to 8:20 a.m (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included chanting, and a period of silent meditation and concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (IST)

Closing Programme With an Inspirational Talk by
YSS/SRF President Sri Sri Swami Chidananda Giri

After a five-day immersion in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, all those who had joined together for this special programme looked forward to holding on to that tangible feeling of Divine Presence — blessings that are the hallmark of such a Sangam. In the closing talk, Swami Chidanandaji shared inspiration on how to carry the Sangam home and how to follow the sadhana given by Paramahansaji to live a truly balanced life and experience an intimate relationship with the Divine.

Swamiji’s talk was preceded by a period of devotional chanting.

This event was live-streamed.

5:35 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (IST)

Energization Exercises and Meditation

This session began with a practice of the Energization Exercises followed by a meditation led by a YSS sannyasi. The meditation started with an opening prayer, and included periods of chanting and silent meditation. Periods of silent meditation varied but were usually around 45 minutes long. The meditation concluded with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer.

This event was live-streamed.

Your Support Is Needed

The costs associated with organizing a five-day function of this magnitude in an outside location are substantial. The total expenses per attendee is estimated to be ₹ 12,000. However, the registration fee was subsidized to ₹ 4,000 so that the expense did not limit those who could attend.

With this in mind, we turn to those of you who have the means to help us cover the total costs. We are grateful to those who are able to make larger donations, allowing us to offer this subsidy and thereby extend Gurudeva’s hospitality to all of his spiritual family.

Receive our prayers for your spiritual advancement and increasing awareness of inner joy and peace.

Contact Details for Enquiries

Yogoda Satsanga Sakha Math — Ranchi
Paramahansa Yogananda Path
Ranchi 834001

Phone: (0651) 6655 555
(Mon-Sat, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)


Photos from President's visits:

New Visitor

You may explore the following links to know more about Paramahansa Yogananda and his teachings.

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