Mahasamadhi Commemorative Meditation

Sunday, September 26

About the Event

Greater he was, as man and yogi, than any other teacher whose life came within the range of my investigations.

— Swami Sri Yukteswar speaks about Lahiri Mahasaya (Autobiography of a Yogi)

The Mahasamadhi Divas of Sri Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, revered as Yogavatar, an “incarnation of yoga,” was commemorated on Sunday, September 26 with two special online meditations in the morning and evening. Mahasamadhi is a great yogi’s final conscious exit from the body in a state of oneness with Spirit.

These meditations were led by YSS sannyasis in English and in Hindi.

Each session included periods of chanting, meditation, and stories about the great Guru.

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You may explore the following links to know more about Paramahansa Yogananda and his teachings.

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