“Importance of Sadhana and Seva for a Devotee” by Swami Ishwarananda Giri

Paramahansa Yoganandaji once said: “Many ask, ‘Shall we first acquire material success to fulfil our worldly obligations, and then seek God? Or should we have God first and then go after success?” And the great Guru immediately added, “By all means, God first.”

Drawing on the teachings of Yoganandaji, YSS sannyasi Swami Ishwarananda Giri gives a discourse in Hindi addressing two key aspects of a devotee’s life — sadhana (meditation) and seva (service). 

In the talk, Swami Ishwarananda answers questions that often arise in the minds of those on the spiritual path—first, which is more important of the two, meditation or service? And second, can one reach God by holding on to only one of these? The development of soul-awareness by sadhana and simultaneous fulfilment of material duties should go hand-in-hand, he advises, thus highlighting the balanced approach taught by Yoganandaji for anyone who seeks success on the spiritual path.

This inspirational satsanga was given at YSS Ranchi Ashram on the Online Dhyana Kendra in September 2021.

We invite you to watch this satsanga which is now available for viewing on the YSS website and YouTube channel.

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