Special Message from Sri Daya Mata on the Earthquake in Chile

March 2010

Dear Ones, My heart goes out to the people of Chile, and to everyone who is suffering because of the devastating earthquake and its aftermath. As soon as we learned of this tragic event, all of us in Gurudeva’s ashrams began praying for those affected. I am sure many of you have been doing the same, and I encourage you to continue with those efforts. Prayer is one of the most powerful ways to counteract the heartache and fear that are created when such calamities suddenly disrupt the lives of many and our sense of security is shaken by the unpredictable nature of this world. By inwardly turning to God, we tune in with His peace, His divine love, and His infinite power to help us. Our heart and mind open to receive His blessings and also to feel ever deeper compassion for those souls in special need. As Gurudeva explained, we are in a period of transition to a higher age; and he foresaw that in the course of that transition, we would pass through some challenging times. But he emphasized that those difficulties can be mitigated, and will ultimately be overcome, by the efforts of all who strive to think of God and to express His goodness in their lives. We are not meant to be intimidated by the dualities that have always been part of this world of maya, but rather to learn that the ultimate security and well-being we are seeking can only be found by going within — taking refuge in the One who created us and putting our full faith in Him whatever outer conditions we encounter. Guruji told us, “God is Love; His plan for creation can be rooted only in love….Every saint who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine universal plan exists and that it is beautiful and full of joy.” Let us go forward with courage and cooperate with that divine plan by using constructively the power of our thoughts and will to help ourselves and others, and to pray for all in need. In so doing we will not only hasten our own soul’s evolution but contribute toward the positive change that is gradually taking place in this world. Every experience that comes to us has a part to play in drawing us closer to our Eternal Friend and Protector, and in helping us discover that within our soul are limitless resources to cope with any circumstance. I pray that He who holds each of us in His care may bless your efforts to attune your lives with Him, and that all who are suffering in this world may feel His healing peace.

God love and bless you,

Sri Daya Mata

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