Retreat, Dihika

Three-day programme




Friday, November 22, 2024 – Sunday, November 24, 2024

Additional Information

Event Venue:

Yogoda Satsanga Dhyana Kendra — Dihika
Near Damodar Rail Gate, Damodar,
P.O. Surjanagar, Burdwan – 713361,
West Bengal

Contact Details:


9163146566, 9163146565


same as Event Venue

About the Event

Inspiring us to build an inner temple of silence, our beloved Gurudeva said:

What joy awaits discovery in the silence behind the portals of your mind no human tongue can tell. But you must meditate and create that environment. Those who deeply meditate feel a wonderful inner quiet.

— Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

Yogoda Satsanga Society of India’s How-to-Live Retreat programmes are open to YSS Lessons students seeking spiritual renewal and who desire to leave behind the pressures of everyday life – even if only for a few days — to deepen their awareness of the Divine. These programmes provide, in the words of Paramahansa Yogananda, “a dynamo of silence where [you] may go for the exclusive purpose of being recharged by the Infinite.”

Sincere sadhaks get a wonderful opportunity to withdraw their attention from the ceaseless activity of everyday living, and focus it on the Inner Silence, and thereby drink the nectar of God’s peace and bliss. They can come on retreat to rest, and to find inspiration and spiritual renewal. Or to seek answers to questions or solutions to problems that can be resolved only by deep reflection, understanding and inner guidance.

During the retreat, your part is to relax and become receptive to the omnipresent blessings of the Lord. Relax physically by getting out into the fresh air, by exercising, and by resting. Relax mentally by dropping the worries and burdens of daily life. Let go of your outer activities; become receptive to God and let Him be the supreme thought in your mind and the burning desire of your heart. Your growing perception of His presence within will do the rest. The experience of retreating from unceasing activity to cultivate a deeper awareness of God will allow Him to renew your strength and bring you lasting peace and happiness.

Retreat Activities:

  • Retreat activities include practice of the YSS Energization Exercises, group meditations, and spiritual discourses led by YSS monastics.
  • Participants can avail of the Yogoda Satsanga Society of India books and recordings for private listening and study.
  • Devotees may choose to take walk in the fresh air, and exercise in order to induce physical relaxation.
  • There is also ample free time to relax and enjoy God’s presence in the beautiful retreat settings.
  • In addition to the morning and evening group meditations, devotees may also wish to have periods of individual meditation.
  • Should retreatants wish to do so, they may also arrange an appointment for consultation with a Yogoda Satsanga Society of India monastic, who will be happy to guide in understanding, and applying the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda in their daily lives.

Basic Retreat Guidelines:

The responsibility for a rewarding retreat rests with you. Whether you have come to renew your spirit or whether you inwardly seek solutions to troublesome questions and problems, the success of your endeavour rests ultimately on your personal relationship with God — the divine Spirit that is the Source of life, wisdom, health, and happiness. In the measure you cultivate awareness of His indwelling Presence, you will receive inspiration and assurance, and guidance toward solving every problem in life.

Taking care of the following points will greatly help you to cultivate that awareness:

  • Participate in the full retreat programme (to the extent possible) and not to engage in other activities during the time of your stay.
  • Maintain silence during the retreat to build your inner environment and to deepen your attunement with God and Gurus.
  • Ensure participation in group activities as they bring you into the company of other like-minded souls thereby reinforcing your good efforts and aspirations.
  • Practice the presence of God. Learn to feel that God is by your side every moment, in every experience.
  • Refrain from reading secular literature such as newspapers and magazines during your retreat should you have brought any with you.
  • Remain within the retreat premises as it would be easier to maintain silence and to think of God during your free time if you keep yourself in the secluded retreat environment.
  • Avoid the use of mobile phones if you have brought them with you. Do not make or receive phone calls except in emergencies.
  • Last but not least, we urge you to meditate deeply during your retreat. Meditation is the very foundation of your relationship with God.

Registration and Other Information:

For registration and more information regarding this programme, please use the contact details shared above.

New Visitor

You may explore the following links to know more about Paramahansa Yogananda and his teachings:

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