Introduction to Yoga-Meditation - Hindi
(with Guided Meditation)

Sunday, June 20

5:00 p.m.

– 6:00 p.m.


About the Event

As the world marked the 7th International Day of Yoga on June 21 this year, Yoganandaji’s pivotal role in the spread of yoga worldwide was commemorated by YSS with special online programmes in English and Hindi. These online offerings from YSS were specially designed for beginners on the path of yoga-meditation. Further, during these challenging times, YSS promoted the well-being of the body, mind, and soul of all who are in need through the knowledge of Yoga, imparted during these sessions.

On Sunday, June 20, a session on yoga-meditation was conducted by a YSS sannyasi in Hindi. Beginning with an introduction to Paramahansa Yoganandaji and his work, the sannyasi explained the different components of yoga meditation. He then conducted a guided meditation including practice of the correct posture, preliminary breathing exercises, an affirmation, and a visualization.

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