“The Art and Science of Happiness”

Discourse by a YSS Sannyasi in English

Sunday, February 18, 2024

11:00 a.m.

– 12:00 noon


About the Event

The deeper you meditate and the more willingly you serve, the happier you will be.

— Paramahansa Yogananda

In a discourse on the theme of happiness, a senior YSS sannyasi explained the secrets to achieving lasting happiness at all times. It is easy to be happy and enjoy peace of mind when life runs along a smooth course. This discourse explained how we can hold on to joy even when life runs into the turbulent waters of worries and difficulties.

Drawing on the teachings of Paramahansaji, this discourse reassured devotees that the path to happiness lies within. When we dive into the inner recesses of our being during our daily practice of meditation, we experience a wonderful inner quiet. This stillness through meditation is the true treasure house of the soul and the path to lasting happiness.

This satsanga in English was live-streamed from the Sadhana Sangam at YSS Noida Ashram.

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