“Peace and Prosperity through Kriya Yoga” by Swami Ishwarananada Giri

April 25, 2024

Discourse in Hindi

In a discourse titled “Peace and Prosperity through Kriya Yoga,” YSS sannyasi Swami Ishwarananda Giri draws our attention to the basic human aspiration for happiness in the form of peace, prosperity, and love — the overarching need of everyone today, and how it can be attained by practising meditation.

Expounding on Yoganandaji’s How-to-Live wisdom teachings on this subject, Swami Ishwarananda shares how we can focus our attention from external sources of limited happiness to the real source of bliss inside us — the Infinite Spirit — that can be accessed through meditation.

He explains how we can attain the state of bliss-consciousness even amidst the trials and tribulations of life through the Kriya Yoga path of meditation given to us by Yoganandaji through the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons.

This inspirational satsanga was given at YSS Ranchi Ashram on the Online Dhyana Kendra in February 2022.

We invite you to watch this discourse in Hindi which is now available for viewing on the YSS website and YouTube channel.

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