“Facing Life’s Challenges With Courage and Faith” by Swami Nakulananda Giri

April 26, 2020

In this service conducted at the Self-Realization Fellowship Encinitas Temple, SRF sannyasi Swami Nakulananda explores the teaching of Paramahansa Yogananda on “Facing Life’s Challenges With Courage and Faith.”

In his talk, Swami Nakulananda explains how we can face all of life’s challenges with the courage and faith gained through applying Paramahansa Yogananda’s scientific Kriya Yoga teachings on meditation and balanced spiritual living. He states: “Our Guru [Paramahansa Yogananda] has given to us so much in his vast teachings—in his lectures, his writings, his recordings, his how-to-live principles, the techniques of meditation—showing us the supreme purpose for which we are here on earth, and how to achieve that goal of God-realization, which is our divine birthright, our divine heritage.”

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