2018 Release of New Edition of YSS Lessons on Schedule

February 6, 2018

We are happy to report that we are currently on schedule for the release later this year of the new edition of the Yogoda Satsanga Lessons and would like to inform you of a change to the subscription process which will help make the transition a smooth one for all subscribers and graduate students.

Change in Subscription Plan

We have recently updated the Lessons subscription plan so that new Lessons students will be able to subscribe to the first 32 Lessons only, and existing students will be able to renew for the next 32 Lessons only. This will greatly simplify the transition process to the new edition of the Lessons once they are released.

Some students have asked if it would be better to wait for the new edition of the Lessons before renewing their subscription. We recommend that they continue to order the current Lessons for another 8 months so that they keep receiving Paramahansa Yoganandaji’s guidance and blessings until the new edition of the Lessons is released. For the same reason, we also suggest that those who are considering enrolling for the Lessons for the first time not wait, since they will be able to transition to the new edition of the Lessons once they become available. New students will be able to receive all the three basic techniques of energization, concentration, and meditation. Therefore, the process of applying for Kriya Yoga will not be delayed for these new students, irrespective of whether they apply for the New Lessons or not.

We want to emphasize that the current Lessons have everything a seeker needs to find God. Many generations of students of the current Lessons can testify to this truth from their own experience.

We continue to look forward to sharing periodic updates with you as we reach specific milestones in the project, and extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for your generosity in making this project possible and for the loving support of your prayers.

For a comprehensive overview, we invite you to visit our web page about the upcoming new edition of the YSS Lessons.

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